15 Things YOUR PARENTS LIED About You. Must read before 16 years old. Fck Society.
You must have this Mastery Code. To know the Truth about yourself.
You must read this before turning 16 years old. 15 Things YOUR PARENTS LIED About You.
You must have this Mastery Code. To know the Truth about yourself.
No, no, not that. The first thing is not that “They do not care about you”. Maybe they are. But that is not the case.
This is more deep than that.
Maybe they care and maybe they do not. You already know that answer.
The root cause is in your mind that prevents you from knowing the truth. You will realize it after reading this article.
Relax and read📗 this with focus.
This will be a long article for someone who can’t❌ focus🎯.
I know you are awesome.
But✋ most people👪 are not. Because of ticktock and short form gratification supplies.
Let’s start with the first, of the 15 items on our list.
Please understand. This is not a concrete order.
Just what I really hate first.
You know, this “fair society”.
1) Society
When we come into this world, we have no idea why we even exist.
- We have no idea what’s going on around us.
- We do not choose what to follow or believe.
Instead, we believe in what the people that raise us to believe.
You are affected by your environment. Before you can even be aware of it.
Thus, each person must take the time to discover who they are.
It is only when they are open to all possibilities that the answer can be revealed to them.
Earl Nightingale said that the biggest plague in society today is not fear but conformity.
People do not follow the leader, people follow the follower.
People do things because everyone does them, and they seldom bother to ask why.
Keep asking yourself if you are happy about the situation.
If not, come up with solutions.
Beware of excuses, and staying where you are because other people have done it.
2) Circumstances
We tend to think that life happens to us.
But it is more true to say that we create our own reality.
It’s true to some extent that things do happen to us.
For example, we cannot choose where we are born or in what culture we grow up.
But, we are in control of more things than we generally think.
For instance, you might not be happy about your finances. But have you looked for professional help in this area?
Did you commit to learning more about money and finances? Most people would answer, “No.”
And this is a great example of how many people blame their circumstances for the things that happen to them.
They don’t see that they can choose to control many of these circumstances.
Life isn’t easy or hard, it just is.
Filter out all things that are detrimental and refuse to spend time thinking about them.
Then add things that are beneficial to you and spend your time focused on these.
3) Programming Belief
Where you struggle in your life is a result of programs that you have.
Running subconsciously.
That don’t support the conclusion you are desperate to achieve.
We are all operating on programs that we’ve learned before, especially when we were kids.
If we weren’t raised in a loving family, we don’t really know what love is.
If we grew up in a poor family, we are very likely to stay poor.
Unless we consciously decide to reprogram our minds.
Universities cannot give you the life education that you need.
A degree shows only a willingness to learn, but it isn’t actually learning.
And here is the scary part: Even after so many years of schooling, many people realize they don’t know how to live.
They do not know how to apply the things they’ve been taught in their lives.
This is because there is a different type of education that no degree can give you.
And you can only achieve it by asking difficult questions about life.
Reprogramming your mind.
4) Human Nature
If you already read Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene.
You know humans tend to do certain things and give clues about their position in life.
The concept of winning, meaning someone else losing, is the very thing that drives us to the dark side.
Only once the person can ascend.
From the perspective of lack into the perspective of abundance.
One truly starts to appreciate themselves as well as their fellow human beings.
And creation in general.
At our core, we are good and we want to be good.
We want to help others. But, helping others from an empty cup makes no sense.
We are not doing anything good when we try to help and this help comes from a place of weakness.
That’s why you must make sure you have a full cup.
Learn to protect your peace and your energy.
No one will do it for you.
- Assume 100% responsibility for your life and the people you choose to be around.
- Be extremely selective with the people you allow to be part of your inner circle.
- Be around people that make you feel good about yourself.
For example, if you’re destined for greatness.
You might find yourself around people that hate you for being focused and energetic.
They will try to make you feel bad about your goals. Distance yourself from these types of people.
Self-mastery and the expression of your individuality is initially a lonely journey.
# Nobody will tell you what’s between you and the person you want to be.
Either you will achieve it by yourself, or you will not. #
5) Gratification
There are two types of gratifications: instant and delayed.
Human nature causes us to desire instant gratification. This means that we do things that will make us happy in the here and now.
Instant gratification is, for example, the desire to get more likes on social media.
- It makes us happy, but only for a short moment.
- The main reason people don’t get what they want in life is that.
- They don’t really know what they want.
This leads them to go after what’s easy. And pleasurable for them at the given moment.
The people who win big in life are the people who can forgo short-term pleasures.
They build systems and ultimately facilitate their freedom.
Make sure you know what you want in life.
If you don’t know, you will succumb to things that give you short-term pleasure.
Think of building your system as deferred gratification.
At the end of the day.
You will get the pleasure you desire.
Once you accomplish something great.
Most likely you know the fable of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf.
This story shows that it is only when you build your house from bricks. That you can conquer the obstacles and win.
Doing what’s easy will make your life hard.
6) Success and Failure
“If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” — Albert Einstein
The definition of success has changed a lot during the last few decades.
In the past, success was having a loving family and enough money to live.
This is no longer the case.
Let’s define success not as a goal that you will one day achieve, but as this:
“Success is a progressive realization of a subjectively chosen worthy ideal.”
This means it’s not about scoring well at school or earning more than other people.
Instead, it’s something that you choose personally. Nobody can define it for you.
- This also means that some people will not understand you.
- Or will be jealous of what you do.
- They will criticize you or try to undermine you.
But that might simply be the price you pay for following your own path.
And that’s completely fine.
On the way to your full potential is the story you tell yourself.
By overcoming these major fears.
You rewrite your story.
The fears and the remedies:
- Fear of poverty
Commit to yourself that you will accumulate wealth, and you will maintain it. Tell yourself that money does not make you good or bad. You can be wealthy and still be a good person.
- Fear of criticism
Decide to stop worrying about what others think of you and be sure that you view yourself accurately.
- Fear of ill-health
Decide to take care of your health. Eat proper food, drink enough water, get enough sunlight, and exercise as much as your body needs. Take care of your body as if it is a temple.
- Fear of loss of love
Firstly, love yourself. Then, decide to enjoy, cherish, and value the people in your life that love you and return the love they give you.
- Fear of getting old
Accept that old age is inevitable. It is a part of life and a blessing.
- Fear of death.
Accept that one day you will die. Be ready for that day. It is only when you’re ready to die, that you will begin to live.
Napoleon Hill mentioned these six fears as a foundation roadblock.
They prevent many people from getting what they desire.
To overcome them. It’s important to know that even though the fear seems to be real.
It’s ultimately your choice to be afraid.
If you want something enough, you can overcome these fears.
You see, fear is easy to deal with. If you accept, it is what it is.
7) Desire
The mind can only be what it knows and believes it can be.
And the body is then tasked to accomplish, that which the mind believes.
You have desires, you have a vision of what you want to achieve.
But, do you believe you can get it?
Or is it just wishful thinking?
If your mind does not believe in it. The body will not make it happen.
The mind acts only on things it believes.
The main reason people don’t get what they want.
- Is it that they don’t really know what they want? (Being said too many times. )
- Or at least they don’t believe they can ever get it.
No one ever told them that they can want the things they want.
It causes them to live the life people around them live. Instead of their own life.
Decide that you will take full control of your life.
You are no longer going to live life as a wave that is tossed around by the wind.
Make an active effort to decide what you will think from now on.
Everything in your life must contain material that supports your thinking.
That means that you must alter your environment. And remove all things that limit your thinking.
This includes all media that provides you with limited information.
- Stop watching the news.
- Stop listening to the radio.
- And avoid any other mainstream media.
T̶h̶i̶s̶ m̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ n̶o̶t̶ b̶e̶ e̶a̶s̶y̶. H̶o̶w̶e̶v̶e̶r̶, y̶o̶u̶ c̶a̶n̶ a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ c̶o̶m̶e̶ b̶a̶c̶k̶ t̶o̶ i̶t̶ l̶a̶t̶e̶r̶.
When you feel you’re ready for it. Why you want get back doing stupid things?
Replace all these things with things that will uplift you.
Make you feel better, and improve you.
- When we hear the news.
- We have the feeling that we are learning something.
- And this knowledge is important to us.
- It feels like you are getting smarter.
- But, most of the news is bad news.
- It affects your mood, and it drives you away from your desires.
You have to eliminate everything that controls your thinking without your awareness.
The moment you know what you want, you will become obsessed with it.
It is at this moment that you truly start living your own life.
You might upset some people with your obsession.
But it’s fine because it means that you can follow your own path.
You are no longer simply following other people’s desires.
Only obsession will get you past the obstacles you will encounter by chasing what you desire.
(How do you feel after reading the last 7 chapters?
If you like it, please share this article as a message.
To your friends and foes, maybe they have problems with their parents)
Let’s continue, shall we.
8) Self Image Psychology
Another term, self Identity.
The real prize is not the prize you achieve.
The real prize is the person you have to become to get the prize.
It’s not about getting what you want. It is about becoming the person that will attract people. Opportunities and inevitable success.
It’s not about what you do, but WHO you are.
Becoming successful, in whatever terms you define success.
Is about changing who you are. Not doing what it takes to be successful.
This means that all the investment you make should be investments in yourself.
What’s more, you have to become the person that’s worthy of the goal you are seeking.
9) Self Discipline
Self-discipline is simply the act of choosing between what you want now and what you want most later on.
If you don’t have a strong vision of where you want to be or what you desire.
You will naturally fall into things that are here and now.
One of the ways to change this is to raise your standards and think big.
That will help you to desire more, and set a new direction.
The next step is taking action.
Only by taking action can you get what you want. The action will reinforce the belief.
So the more you do. The more confident you will be that you can achieve whatever you want.
Once you start taking action, you will stay in motion unless an external force stops you.
An object in motion stays in motion.
10) Vision
You must let go of that part that is deemed to be logical and rational.
Because rationality is suicide to that part of you that believes in all things.
Steve Jobs once said that you cannot connect the dots looking forward.
You can only connect them when looking backward.
So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future.
You have to trust in yourself, your gut, karma, whatever. That’s the only way you can move forward.
Build a vision of who you want to be and what you want to achieve.
For example, visit places that inspire you such as expensive cafes.
And trust that one day you will connect the dots.
11) Money
Money is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.
Each of us has been raised in a different family, where the relationship to money was different.
The money could have been a master — you lived in scarcity.
Or the money could have been a servant — you lived in abundance.
Whatever it was, it’s important to switch to a proper way of thinking about money.
From now on, think of money as a tool to be mastered and nothing else.
- Commit to yourself that you will be wealthy, and there is nothing bad about it.
- Despite what society thinks of rich people, money isn’t good or bad. Money is just a tool.
- To make people pay you, you must present them the value of the thing you sell.
You can sell services, products, or knowledge.
When you are in a competitive market, you don’t have to compete with others.
The beauty of this world is in the variety of services and products we have.
Decide that you will provide your own form of value for a problem people are experiencing.
Don’t do it to compete with someone or something else.
Your income is determined by three things:
The demand for what you have to offer.
Your ability to deliver and execute on your offering.
The difficulty of replacing you.
Reduce your spending.
Especially on silly things.
Augment your income.
Increase your income by creating more value.
Also, learn how to present the value of the things you sell.
Aim to have multiple streams of income.
Wealthy people pretty much always have more than one source of income.
Educate yourself on how to earn more money through literature.
There are a lot of books about business, investing, sales generation, etc.
That you can learn from.
12) Attitude, Risk and Perseverance
You must become aware of your attitude.
Not everyone is aware of their attitude.
And it is only when you are aware of things that you can change them.
Awareness of your attitude will help you to expect more from yourself.
And this expectation will lead to better progress. If you don’t choose your attitude.
You will default to one based on the attitude of your surrounding society. Generally, this is a negative one.
Your mindset can be progressive or regressive. If you don’t have a progressive mindset. Then you are regressive.
The unfed mind devours itself.
Risk is a part of the process to get what you want.
Without risk, you will stay where you are. And you will not expand your mind.
Risk, by definition, is something with an unknown outcome.
So embrace it; it’s part of the process.
Perseverance is probably the most important principle.
Along the way, you will stumble on many obstacles.
Sometimes it will feel like going from failure to failure. Only with perseverance will you be able to push through.
You can’t plan everything, and whatever your goal, it will take more time to achieve than you think.
But with Perseverance, you will eventually get there.
You can operate either on a default attitude based on society. Which is generally negative.
Or you can select your own.
It should be an attitude that will serve you.
And help you make progress towards your goals.
13) Love and Happiness
We all want to be loved by others.
But, to have fulfilling relationships there are two things you should do.
The first one is to love yourself and put yourself first. Be unapologetic about it.
If you don’t put yourself first. Other people won’t put you high on their priority list either.
The second important thing is to give before you receive.
Relationships are a two-way street.
And usually, you have to give your love before you can get anything back.
Relationships are also about receiving.
So don’t be afraid of that.
Receive what other people give you.
And then give them the same back.
14) Character
Your reputation is what other people think of you, your character is who you really are.
That’s why character is far more important.
That’s why focusing on achieving and competing is not the best mindset.
The better mindset is to focus on having good character.
Having character means being trustworthy, respected, responsible, fair, and caring towards others.
All strong leaders are people of good character.
Stand for something.
Set your standards, values, and code. Your code should be unbreakable.
Make your life important.
You are here for a reason. There is something you need to accomplish.
Develop integrity.
What you say should be what you think and what you do. All these things should be aligned.
Decide to be a loyal person to everyone you come in contact with.
- Loyalty is like a habit, so commit to being loyal, despite what other people do.
- Take full responsibility for everything you wish you could change.
- It’s not only taking responsibility for your life, but also for what you want the world to become.
- Working on your character is what will remove bad habits from your life.
- And create new, good ones.
In terms of personal growth, it’s better to think about becoming the person you want to become.
Instead of achieving your goals or winning at life.
When you become this type of person, the other things you desire will unfold naturally.
15) Purpose
This last part, I want to say you are awesome.
Here’s a quote you like to remember.
“Your life must be committed to learning and improvement.”
(Are you taking notes ✍️✍️???)
You have talents.
You might not even be aware of some of them, so be sure that you identify them.
Then, invest in your talents. Everyone starts somewhere.
And with enough investment, they become masters.
Here is the key: Invest in yourself, not other things.
Once you start working on your talents, go out into the world and express them.
People must see what you have. Share in public, use social media.
So you understand where you are and how much you still need to improve.
This is where criticism comes in.
There will be people that will love you and people that will hate you.
You can’t have one without the other.
That’s the reason most people never start expressing themselves.
They fear criticism.
Remember, fear is just a story you tell yourself, it’s not real. It’s just an illusion.
Fugazi, fugazi. It’s a whazy. It’s a woozie. It’s fairy dust. It doesn’t exist.
The people that criticize you, don’t do it because of you.
There is something in themselves that they hate.
That’s why they express hate to others.
Don’t let them stop you from doing what you want!
(Congrats for reading until the end.
Please share this quick form article to somebody you know.
Just one person is enough. You help others to know this truth.
It will help people who read and help me as “The Professional” 🕴️ Writer ✍️.
So I can make this type of content next time.)